Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fun with Scotty in Canyonlands

OK, 1st of all my sister Tina thinks I am about to lose Roger someplace in the desert and take off with Scotty Pippen. As appealing as that sounds Tina, I don't think I will be able to do that because Scotty is just WAY to tall for me.

Today we headed out to the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. it is stunning. It is actually thte park of the park that is the bottom of the canyon that you look at from the rim we were on the other day. Let me tell you it was HOT out in the desert. It was 87 degrees today and man walking in the desert is crazy. We only did 3 miles today in 2 seperate 1.5 mile hikes. They were very easy and we did it that way b/c of the heat. I had some left over BBQ ribs from dinner last night and we ate them for lunch today. After hiking 3 miles those ribs were the most wonderful things we had ever eaten.

Tomorrow is our treck to Salt Lake City to finish up the trip. I can't believe that we are at the end of the vacation. Just finishing up laundry. Some packing of boxes to ship home tomorrow and then we head out! WOW that went fast

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hummer ride/ river rafting day

what a fun day. we took a hummer ride out to Hell's Revenge which is a 4 wheel drive biking park on slick rock. SO SO SO cool!! Out guide had us climbing up rocks in the hummer at a 40 dgree angle. So much fun. Then in the afternoon we were white water rafting. We did a few class 3 rapids and actually passed by out hotel on the ride. This was a blast and I would LOVE to do it again with the boys. Scotty Pippen had to ride in a box since he did not have a life vest. He was able to get out onto the boat after lunch.

It was great for hime to get out on the water. We did out tour with Adrift Adventures and they were great. Awesome guides.

we came back to the hotel and hung out at the pool for a while. Ate dinner at the Moab Brewery YUMMMMMMMM love the home brewed rootbeer!! Then we went back to canyonlands to the Green River Outlook to watch the sunset. MAN WHAT BEAUTY!!!!!

I am so glad we took the time to just sit quietly and watch the changes for about an hour. It was amazing

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Just a quick hello from Scotty

Scotty LOVE canyonlands. the views were amazing. It was another busy day. Hiking for 6 miles. very hot and sunny. when we got back to the hotel we hung out at the pool and hot tub. We are really exhausted now and ready to hit the hay./ tomorrow is our 4 wheel drive tour of canyonland and river rafting tour. tons of fun

Monday, May 7, 2007

Waking up to this

This is the view out of the our room. It is absolutely amazing. There is a great little patio with dining set and lounge chair out there. It is actually where I had my coffee this morning. How cool is that!! I am absolutely in love with this place.

After breakfast we headed into Arches Park and did a 4 mile hike out to the Double O Arch. It is an amazing hike. It is listed for intermediate/advance hikers. There were some scary parts. I do feel like I am getting stronger. I even remembered to breath correctly Jenn and it did make a difference.

As you can tell Scotty Pippen was having a blast on the way to Double O Arch. He is being such a trooper. He is keeping up with Roger and I even though he is not a huge fan of the hot weather but he is great.

After Double O we grabbed a quick lunch and then ran back to the hotel for a quick nap before we hiked the Firely Furnace. Another difficult hike. This one is through lots of rock formations that are high and SKINNY. Lots of places were we were scaling the rocks like spiderwoman. Couldn't get lots of pictures because you really needed both hands available at all times.

This trip is making me feel so so strong. I never thought I would be able to do half of what I am doing. I am really feeling good about getting healthy. I want to start some weight training when I get home. Get good and strong for next year. Then I will just amaze myself with what I can do. Watch out for me!

here are some photos from today...... enjoy

Sunday, May 6, 2007

A day of rest

Today we decided to just take it easy and relax some. We took the 3 hour ride to Moab and got into town at about 11AM. We headed to Arches National Park and just drove around. It was pretty chilly, very windy and sprinkling. Not great hiking weather. So we decided to just take a nice drive through the park then into town for a little stroll.

We checked into this absolutley lovely hotel room. we are overlooking red rock mountains and the Colorado River. I will post pictures tomorrow. Totally resting today.

Tomorrow is a very busy hiking day. Hopefully I will be able to hang all day with roger. I am trying so hard to keep up with all he wants to do. It is actually turning into a good thing for me. Totaly inspiring me the think about being healthier. Well off to bed..... Good night everyone

Saturday, May 5, 2007

OK did we really need this??!!

Can you believe it. We woke up this morning to 27 degree temperatures and snow!!! Who the heck needs that on vacation?? not me. So we got in the car and headed over to Capital Reef National Park. You must drive over a mountain range. YIKES!!!!!!!! It was snowy, icey and had sheer drop offs. Talk about white knuckling it all the way. My breakfast was in my throat the entire ride over the mountain. Aren't I just a big ole trooper!!! it was about 100 miles and took about 3.5 hours. Just real slow riding.

Once we got over here though it was amazing..... yet again. I hiked again, for another 4 miles up and down steep trails. It was exhausting but I did it. Now before you all start talking about how great I am doing let me give you a little visual, since roger is not taking pictures of me on the hikes for some reason. I am half dead while hiking. I am huffing and puffing like you wouldn't believe. You know, breathing so hard that your throat is burning. My legs get so tired that they are burning and at some points actually shaking. Small children and the elderly pass me on the trails. OK, so that is how I am doing it. LOL At a snails pace.

As you can tell, Scotty Pippen is having a blst climbing on the rocks, exploring all of the nooks and crannies. He has never been to Utah before and is loving it totally!!!

Tonight we went to an awesome place for dinner. It was the top choice in my Fodors book called the Cafe Diablo. Amazing Southwest cusine. Roger and I actually had rattlesnake cakes. They were awesome!!!! I had ribs that were to die for. Sweet with some real heat to them. Then it was topped off with a chocolate nut tart with homemade ice cream. By far the best meal of the trip!!!

tommorrow we haed off to Moab where we will stay for 5 nights. YAHOO. no more feeling like a gypsie!!

see ya tomorrow

Friday, May 4, 2007

My new best friends

I am so loving these Merrills!!! I hiked another 4 miles today and my feet are still LOVING me!!! Today was another stellar day!! Roger and I hiked the Emerald Pools which was beautiful and then we hike Pi'rus Trail. The Emerald Pools was a steep hike but the oher was a wonderful hike along the Virgin River.

Scotty Pippen is having a blast. He was resting at the Emerald Pools and totally loved hanfing out on the rocks. He was a real trooper with the hiking. Even when it was getting alittle chilly. he totally forgot his sweat shirt.

After Zion we headed over the Bryce canyon. Some of the Bryce photos are in the slide show. IT IS SNOWING HERE!!! can you believe it. At ion it was 75 degrees and 1 hour away it is 35 and snowing. LOL It was really windy too so we just took some quick pictures and headed to the hotel for some much needed rest. I am about to take a quick shower before dinner and then we are hitting the hay early tonight. We may be doing an 8 mile hike tommorrow. Man I might come back from vacation lighter than when I left.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Zion National Park slide show

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at me here hiking up the Angel's Landing Trail. I did not go all the way to the end because the last .5 miles of the hike is on a cliff hanging onto the chain pulling ourself along the way. I climbed 2 miles to a hight of 1,300 feet.... not to bad. Aren't you proud of me Susanne??!!

Today was simply perfection. While we thought it was going to be rainy it just was beautiful. The sun was in and out and it was breezey and not to hot. While we were making that climb up Angel's Landing we met a wonderful couple from New Jersey and walked all the way with them. they were really sweet. The hike took 4 hours round trip. We then had a nice lunch at the Zion Lodge and then went for another 2 mile hike along the Virgin River.

To top the Afternoon off we checked into the hotel and then headed to the hot tub and pool. The view of the mountains from the hot tub was amazing. I am sure it was really good to sit in the hot tub to loosen up the mucsles after a day like today.

We actually were able to find GOOD PIZZA in Utah!!! WTG, never were able to do that last year. Zion Pizza and Noodle is awesome. Right in Springdale. We walked back and forth to dinner. I am so walked out I am about to crash!!!!!

Here's to another super day tomorrow

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


we left the house at 4:30 this morning and it is about 7pm EST mow/. we just arrived at the hotel. We flew to atlanta then on to Salt Lake city then got the rental car and drove 3.5 hours to Cedar City. Tthis town could NOT be any more milk toast. everyone looks the same.

it was a real long ride but it was very pretty, straight south from SLC along the mountain range. we are going to rest tonight. after we grab a bite to eat at Chili's next door we are going to hit Walmart for the essentials for the trip... snacks...water... a cooler.....etc.

Tomorrow we will be touring Zion National Park. There will LOTS of pictures taken.

Man I am going to crash any second. Oh Roger........please run to Starbucks for me...... what a sweetie...

for the Olsens

Roger and I were lucky enough to hook up with Scottie Pipin at the airport and found out he was traveling to Utah as well. We all decided to save some money and travel together. Since we had a hotel room with 2 queen beds we decided to let him have the spare bed. He is very excited about the trip to Zion tomorrow

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

If it's not packed it ain't coming!!!!

OK we are all ready to go!!!!
bags packed- check
camera and lens present- check
ipod charged- check
travel journal- check
boarding passes printed- check
license- check
starbucks card- check (I do have priorities)
camera battery charger- check
sunglasses- check
reading material- check

all I can say is if it ain't packed at this point it ain't coming with me on the plane!!!

our flight leaves at 6AM. we fly into Atlanta. have a 1.5 hour lay-over and then into Salt Lake City!!

We'll see ya on the flip side!!!